A “sponsored post” by #teamfloppyears is a service we provide. Through years of hard work and dedication to building a social media presence, we’ve acquired the type of reach many will only dream of having. The best part about it is that it’s in the name of something good! Ultimately it’s to look out for our fury companions one way or the other!


Over the years we’ve had thousands of people contact us with hopes that we will share a particular dog depending on that specific dogs (or persons) circumstances. Many times it’s been unfortunate. Sometimes people are just flat out in a position to have to re-home a dog. The reasons come by the dozens.


There was a time where we used to be really judgmental toward people giving up their dogs, but shortly after that we chose to change our mindset. Why? Well because If we judge the human for whatever it was they were going through, then perhaps we wouldn’t be able to help the dog.


As far as we are concerned…if we help the human, we help the dog. Besides, it feels good to help people in a time of need.  No matter what the reason.


We are offering a sponsored post that will reach a MINIMUM 80,000 people.


Our instagram has 53,000 followers, and our Facebook has 33,000 Likes.
That doesn’t include the additional reach the post gets based on shares, likes, comments, hash tags etc…we always encourage our supporters to do all of the above for the best possible chance for the dog to be seen and to spark an interest.


What’s the success rate of a sponsored post?
We can’t guarantee anything. We’ve been successful AT LEAST half the time, but again…nothing is promised. We know your chances are not nearly as good if you don’t invest. That’s a fact.


What we need from you:
The dogs name (If no known name exists, make one up for the posts sake)
Breed (Pure Bred or Mix), Age, Sex (Male or Female) Reproductive Status (Spayed or Neutered) Temperament (Submissive or Dominant), Is the animal in danger?
Vaccinations? Dog compatibility? Human compatibility? Health issues?


All of this information should be composed in the format of a social media post. What you write will be copy and pasted into the caption of the post so feel free to add anything else you think you’d like the people to know about the specific dog, but do your best to keep it to under the 2,200 Characters that Instagram allows.


Price: $99 (non refundable-all purchases final)